These totals equal around five million gil worth of shards, crystals, & clusters!
I have millions worth of ice shards and need more water shards.
I have two hundred thousand gil worth of fire crystals need more wind crystals.
My cluster inventory is constant at 100 units or two hundred thousand gil.
Graph for cloth materials!
moko grass
cotton boll
diremite web
apkallu down
snurble tufts
Graph for metal materials!
Graph for lumber materials!
maple log
ash log
elm log
yew log
walnut log
oak log
mahogany log
rosewood log
spruce log
Graph for leather materials!
animal skin
aldgoat skin
giant toad skin
peiste skin
karakul skin
raptor skin
uraueus skin
hippograph skin
coeurl skin
Graph for bone materials!
Graph for catalysts materials!
Graph for food materials!
Update for 02012016!
For the real beginners its a navigation problem and here is the answer to it!
This map shows all the gathering points!
It also shows you where all the boats and airship landings are and where they take you!
Learn it and memorize it or learn to reference it while playing!
Update for 03252016
Maps for the new levels... if you hunt and need help...
Update for 03302019 0424 PM EST.
Guilds & The Main Story Line
In order to make money in Final Fantasy 14 online you have to pick a job. Fighter, Mage, Botanist, Miner, Fisher, or Crafter. The fiends in the game provide some the materials that you need to sell and craft with. As a Botanist, Miner, or Fisher you can gather and fill your inventory with the other materials needed to sell and craft with. Just like real life you leave your home and venture out into the world and collect the stuff that you want. The local market provides you with all the gear that you need to help you with the job that you choose. Once you find the guild associated with your job they will train you and give you advice & equipment. As you complete each mission that they give you you also earn money & experience points toward the next level. There are currently 70 levels in the game for each job. In July of 2019 there will be 80 levels. The guild missions aren't your only goal in the game though. You have to complete the main story line missions to unlock each of the new areas in the game. All people progress like this:
Level 1 to 50 (A Realm Reborn)
Level 50 to 60 (Heavensward expansion)
Level 60 to 70 (Stromblood expansion)
Level 70 to 80 (Stormbringer expansion)
Stormblood Main Scenario Quests
Shadowbringers Main Scenario Quests
There are three major mission types trials, dungeons, & raids. Some minor mission types are just about vanquish fiends outside the city, scout certain areas of the world, scavenge for items in the world, talk to people in other cities, or craft merchandise.
Final Fantasy 14 online Trials, Dungeons, & Raids are done in groups of 4 to 8. When you activate these special areas the role that you play is determined by the job that you choose. The leader is the Healer (main mage), the assistant leader is the Tank (main fighter), and the two helpers are usually the ranged fighters or ranged mages (projectile specialist, magic specialist, hand to hand or weapon specialist).
The role of the tank is to provoke all the enemies on the battle field to attack him or her & it is the job of the healer to replenish hit points of the tank keeping him alive. The role of the other fighter or mage is to assist the tank or healer by vanquishing other enemies that appear on the battle field and maintain the attack on the main fiend or group of fiends until you deplete all there hit points.
Locations of other crafting materials
Heavensward Dungeons
Stormblood Dungeons
Shadowbringers Dungeons
The Grand Cosmos
Anamaesjs Anyder
The Heros’ Gauntlet
Matyoya’s Relic
Endwalker Dungeons
The Tower of Zot
The Tower of Babil
Ktisis Hyperboreia
The Aitiascope
The Dead Ends
The Stigma Dreamscape
Alzadall’s Legacy
The Fell Court of Troia
A Realm Reborn Raids
Heavensward Raids
Stormblood Raids
A Realm Reborn Alliance Raids
Heavensward Alliance Raids
Stormblood Alliance Raids
Shadowbringers Alliance Raids
The Copied Factory
The Puppets’ Bunker
The Towr at Paradigms’ Breach
Endwalker Alliance Raids
High-end Trials (A Realm Reborn)
High-end Trials (Heavensward)
Trials (Stormblood)
High-end Trials (Stormblood)
High-end Trials (Shadowbringers)
High-end Trials (Shadowbringers) (Extreme)
The Minister’s Balld: Hades’s Elegy
Cinder Drift
Memria Misera
The Seat of Sacrifice
Castrum Marinum
The Cloud Deck
Former Faux Hollows (Unreal)
The Akh Afah Amphitheatre
The Navel
The Whorlleater
Trials (Endwalker)
The Dark Inside
The Mothercrystal
The Final Day
High-end Trials (Endwalker)
The Minister’s Ballad:
Zodiark’s Fall
The Minister’s Ballad: Hydaelyn’s Call
The Minister’ Ballads: Endsinger’s Aria
Faux Hollows (Unreal)
Ultima’s Bane
Stay tuned for more information!
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